Q: When can you be here for an estimate?
Answer: We work with all our customers to find a time that meets their schedule. Give us a call to set up your free estimate.
Q: Do I need a licensed painting contractor?
Answer: Absolutely. In the state of California anyone performing jobs over $500 is required to have a state issued license and a bond to protect customers like yourself.
Q: When can you start my project?
Answer: Our schedule fills up fast, be sure to call and set up an appointment for your estimate and we'll work with you to find a time that meets your needs.
Q: Can you repair water damage in my bathroom and kitchen?
Answer: We most certainly can! We can repair and replace damaged drywall and then refinish the whole wall or try to match your existing color.
Q: How long have you been painting?
Answer: Estates Painting has been in San Diego County for over 20 years, before that Sean Stewart the owner painted homes and commercial projects for 10 years. Having a background in both commercial and residential Estates Painting can handle any project you might have.
Q: Do you charge to give me an estimate on my project?
Answer: Not at all, all our estimates are free. We will set up a time to meet you at your property to review your needs, provide advice and direction then provide an estimate to complete your project.
Q: Will you protect my decor, floors and furniture?
Answer: Yes absolutely, our primary concern is that your project goes without a hitch. Protecting your home and your valuables is our top priority. We are there to make your home look it’s best. Being respectful of your belongings is an absolute must for Estates Painting.
Q: Do I get to pick my colors?
Answer: We encourage you to pick your colors. We all have our own tastes and preferences. We recommend all our customers get samples from their local Sherwin Williams and try it out for a few days before deciding on a specific color.
Q: How long will it take you to finish my project?
Answer: Like all projects of this nature timing is critical. We will do our best to meet your deadlines and return your home better that when we arrived. Many factors play into the completion date. Things like changes to project scope, delays working with other tradesman, unforeseen setbacks like dry rot, termites and weather can play a factor even in sunny San Diego.